In 1969 A Bohri Alawi Muslim with pure intention went for the Search of Truth about the Imamate of the Imams after Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (a.s.) In his sincere efforts he was helped by an Alim-e-Rabbani Moulana Shaikh Ismail Rajabi (R.A). With Divine help he came to the conclusion that after Imam-e-Sadiq (a.s), Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) is the RIGHT and DIVINELY appointed Imam. In his efforts the Seeker was constantly guided by Shaikh Ismail Rajabi (R.A).
By 1970 there were about six Bohra families who accepted the Shia Isna-Ashari Faith.
In 1971 the same Shaikh Ismail Rajabi (R.A) suggested to form a separate body / Jamaat to take care about the new families. In 1971 A Jamaat was formed registered with the Charity commissioner.
The Members were as follows
- Mr. Fakhruddeen Rajpiplawala
- Mr. Shafkat T. Suterwala
- Mr. Kurbanhussain T. Vasanwala
- Mr. Ismail T. Vasanwala
- Mr. Razabhai Plasticwala
- Mr. Razaalibhai Noorbhai Vhora
After the formation of the Jamaat and due to the responsiblity felt by ever cautious Maaraj-e-Taqleed like Marhoom Aqa-e-Khoi (R.A.) and Aqa-e- Gulpaygani (R.A) who foresaw the problems of our community, a place for our Jamaat was obtained at Mazagaon for activities of our community.This took place in the year 1998. Since then the Bohri Shia Isna Ashari Jamaat (BSIJ) is taking care of their members they have their members in Bombay, Baroda, Pune, Aurangabad, Faizabad etc.
The BSIJ’s central office is at Mazagaon, Mumbai. The jamat has got Masjid cum imambada at Baroda also. It also intends to purchase the premises in other cities as well. The premises also houses an Imambargah and Zari of Imam Hussain (as). Jamat namaz is held regularly. Regular religious programmes are being arranged. The BSIJ intends to update it’s library which would be an ideal source for research scholars to quench their thirst for knowledge. Efforts are on to launch a web-site of BSIJ.